Disney’s Academy-Award winning adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytale of the same name, The Little Mermaid (1989), was the catalyst for the Disney Renaissance; a decade that catapulted worldwide critical and commercial success for the animation studio and boasted well-acclaimed classics such as Beauty and the Beast (1991), Aladdin...
Christy Clark What a 2022. From the second world domination of Avatar in Cameron’s The Way of Water, to the bizarrely compelling Everything, Everywhere, All at Once, it was quite the year for those cinema-inclined. But, that’s not it: with 2023 comes another rich year in cinema. Whether it’s...
One of the few remaining operatic musical theatre societies who are still standing strong after their establishment in the reign of Queen Victoria, The Nottingham Operatic Society performed the much loved Joseph and the Amazing Technicoloured Dreamcoat, which stole the hearts of audience members spectating at the Theatre Royal....
Despite the festival being well known for its family friendly nature, people from all ages showed up to be a part of Neverworld, a title renamed by Leefest, for those who wish to never grow up. Situated in the grounds of John Darlings Farm in Hever, Kent, locals showed...
Very few fairy tales pose the challenges to staging that The Little Mermaid does, and I must confess I was rather confused as to how a story partially set underwater where the protagonist has a fish’s tail instead of legs would work as a ballet. However, I was wrong...