Based on one of the most bizarre moments in theatrical history, Collaborators is a surreal trip through a world of literary genius and dictatorial paranoia. Set amidst the purges of 1930s Moscow, John Hodge’s morbidly funny play tells the story of esteemed Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov (author of The...
Dark, disturbing, and dangerously comic are just a few ways to describe NNT’s production of John Hodge’s play, Collaborators. The audience are instantly captivated by the surreal journey into the bizarre imagination of the writer as he loses himself in a chilling and oddly comic relationship with Stalin. The...
W;t by Margaret Edson is the current in house production at Nottingham New Theatre, and it is, in my opinion, an absolute triumph. The play is an incredibly raw and tender piece of theatre that you must witness if you have the chance, but I’ll give you a warning...
Between 1982 and 1992, over one hundred hostages were kidnapped in Lebanon. Most were Americans or Western Europeans, and at least eight died or were murdered whilst in captivity. Irish dramatist Frank McGuiness’s play, Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me, which premiered at London’s Hampstead Theatre in 1992, follows three of these...
For the final production of this semester, Nottingham New Theatre are presenting Frank McGuinness’ Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me. Impact Arts spoke to director Will Berrington and production assistant Becca David about insanity, hostages and survival, to get their perspective of putting on such a challenging play. Can you tell us what the play...
From the first minutes you can feel Sex Cells working. We open with individual spotlights on four women speaking dryly into headsets answering inquiries concerning sex dolls and dildo sizes (“They come in small, medium and liar”) before the lights rise on the beautifully designed office set of the...
The second show of Nottingham New Theatre’s 2015 Autumn season is underway and promises to be full of everything a student a student should love – gossip and sex! Impact Arts interviews producer Anna Scholes, and director Will Berrington in his directorial debut of Anna Longaretti’s newest play. First,...