

Emma Hodges has been elected as your new Students’ Union Sports Officer for 2018/19.

Emma was declared the Sports Officer for the 2018/19 academic year after winning the 6th round of voting, with 1676 votes.

Emma is feeling a “relieved and excited” although she admits the excitement “hasn’t sunk in yet”.

Her favourite part of campaigning was to “speak to students” and “asking them what they want as you don’t normally get to speak to this many people”.

She looks forward to “celebrating in Ocean” and going home to see her mom for Mother’s day.

The manifesto point she is most looking forward to implement is that of “safety to the teams on night’s out and spreading the education for this”.

The biggest challenge in the year ahead for her is “knowing the committees and sports clubs” as well as getting them to know her and “feel like they can approach me”.

Emma finsishes by saying she couldn’t have done it without her house: “they’ve been amazing and have supported me throughout the campaign”. She also shouts-out her the netball family for “being an absolute army for me when it was hard”.


1st Round of Voting:

Stuart: 798

Lois: 798

Cassie: 582

Emma: 1155

Peter: 401

RON: 82

2nd Round of Voting:

Stuart: 802

Lois: 1173

Cassie: 583

Emma: 1155

Peter: 403

3rd Round of Voting:

Stuart: 842

Lois: 1193

Cassie: 609

Emma: 1182

4th Round of Voting:

Stuart: 863

Lois: 1235

Emma: 1284

5th Round of Voting:

Lois: 1313

Emma: 1354

6th Round of Voting:

Emma: 1676

Nicolas Caballero

Interviewed by Eleanor Gray


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