
How To Get Funding For Societies During Lockdown

Nishka Parekh

With lockdown 2 upon us, there are limited ways in which societies can gain funding, especially since membership numbers have gone down during COVID! Can’t do any car washes or raise money during boat party socials! But don’t worry, Nishka has listed three quick, easy, and helpful ways to gain some funding so you can keep planning those socials for when the pandemic finally ends! 

1 – Kindred!

Kindred is offering the easiest and fastest way to gain some funding for your society! Kindred is a non-profit organisation that wants to help societies and charities raise money. Their mission is to be the biggest donator to charity by 2025! They created a browser extension that works on Chrome and Firefox, and it works by giving students cashback and discounts on over 25,000 brands. So, if you spend £20 on amazon, Kindred will give you some cash back for either your society or a charity of your choice – all completely for free!

There is nothing better at challenging your brain while bonding as a team than a pub quiz!

It takes about 60 seconds to download and is a really easy way for everyone to get some cashback for their society! On top of all of this, they are having a competition, and the society with the most members downloading the extension, will get £200 for their society! So get downloading via the link here.

2 – Virtual Pub Quizzes

There is nothing better at challenging your brain while bonding as a team than a pub quiz! Pub quizzes are great because you can show off all the pointless knowledge you know and they’re super easy and practical to host via zoom! So it’s the perfect virtual event for a society to throw, you can just ask your members for a £2 donation, do a little power point presentation and put on the best virtual pub quiz your society has ever seen!

3 – Competitions

Who doesn’t love a good competition – a chance to show who’s the best while winning a prize for doing so! Due to lockdown, we have all the time in the world to attend virtual competitions, and there’s so many to choose from! With it being Movember, the obvious choice would be the best moustache competition, with every member donation a small participation fee. It’s a simple competition to host. You can also have best come dine with me pictures and a lot of more specific competitions tailored to your society!

Nishka Parekh

Featured image courtesy of Pictures of Money via Flickr. Image license found here. No changes were made to this image. 

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