Leacsaidh Marlow
This year’s spring election series is now finished, and Impact are pleased to announce the results of the new SU officer team for next year! Head to Instagram to see the highlights from our coverage of results night.
If you need a reminder on how single transferable voting (STV works): When voting in SU elections you will use a ‘single transferable vote’ system. This means that you will have to order all of the candidates listed in order of preference, i.e. your first pick candidate for the position is number 1, second is number 2, etc. There is a set number of votes that a candidate must reach in order to be elected, called the quota, which is calculated based on the number of votes and the number of spaces which need filled. If a candidate gets more votes than they need to reach the quota then their extra votes are moved to their second choice candidate. If no candidate reaches the quota, then the candidate with the fewest votes is removed and the people who voted for them have their votes moved instead to whoever their second choice candidate was. This process continues until all of the required vacancies are filled (for our SU elections this is just one vacancy per officer role). UoNSU uses single transferable voting because it allows for proportional representation, and means that voters are less likely to vote based on what they think other people will and rather based on the candidates that they really wish to win.
Vice President Liberation & Welfare
The candidates for this year were: Alice Eley & Vee Okobia
Round 1:
Vee: 304
Alice: 341
RON: 62
Round 2:
Vee: 312
Alice: 356
The winner, and VP Liberation & Welfare for 2025/26 is Alice Eley
Vice President Education
The candidates for this year were: Freya Hazelwood, Moses Nii Otinkorang, YingYing (Alma)
Round 1:
Freya: 341
Moses: 489
Alma: 560
RON: 38
Round 2:
Moses: 607
Alma: 656
The winner, and VP Education for 2025/26 is YingYing (Alma)
Vice President Sports
The candidates for this year were: Edward Scott Payne, Alice Fallon & Sami Glover
Round 1:
Ed: 149
Alice: 509
Sami: 521
RON: 36
Round 2:
Alice: 547
Sami: 584
The winner, and VP Sports for 2025/26 is Sami Glover.
Vice President Postgraduate & International
The candidates for this year were: Abdulmujeeb Muhammad-Olodo, Nayab Shakoor, Ezinne Chukwu, Riffat Shaheen, Wanru Gao, Toby Cheung, Sandhya Sriram, Aanchal Chaudary & Mechthild Ogechi
Round 1:
Abdulmujeeb: 382
Nayab: 52
Ezinne: 443
Riffat: 503
Wanru: 181
Toby: 223
Sandhya: 235
Aanchal: 36
Mechthild: 151
RON: 34
Round 2:
Abdulmujeeb: 394
Ezinne: 450
Riffat: 506
Wanru: 191
Toby: 229
Sandhya: 249
Mechthild: 158
Round 3:
Abdulmujeeb: 407
Ezinne: 474
Riffat: 512
Wanru: 196
Toby: 243
Sandhya: 262
Round 4:
Abdulmujeeb: 427
Ezinne: 481
Riffat: 520
Toby: 263
Sandhya: 272
Round 5:
Abdulmujeeb: 452
Ezinne: 500
Riffat: 546
Sandhya: 299
Round 6:
Abdulmujeeb: 488
Ezinne: 526
Riffat: 582
Round 7:
Ezinne: 500
Riffat: 546
The winner, and VP Postgraduate & International for 2025/26 is Riffat Shaheen
Vice President Activities & Development
The candidates for this year were: Verrain Dua, Iain Messore, Mathew Wheatley & Alfie Coe
Round 1:
Verrain Dua: 299
Iain Messore: 487
Mathew Wheatley: 158
Alfie Coe: 130
RON: 31
Round 2:
Verrain Dua: 304
Iain Messore: 487
Mathew Wheatley: 161
Alfie Coe: 134
Round 3:
Verrain Dua: 406
Iain Messore: 552
The winner, and VP Activities & Development for 2025/26 is Iain Messore.
The candidates for this year were: Favour Samuel
Round 1:
Favour: 945
RON: 178
The winner, and President for 2025/26 is Favour Samuel
Leacsaidh Marlow
Featured image courtesy of UoNSU, no changes have been made to this image.
In-text logo image courtesy of Joseph Banks, no changes have been made to this image.