Whilst it was hoped that the Iowa Caucus would bring some much-needed clarity to the 2020 US Democratic Presidential Nominee race, the first round of caucuses turned out to be a night of confusion and chaos, with full vote counts not being released until several days after the votes...
On Thursday the 20th of February Baroness Caroline Cox gave a keynote evening speech to the Christian Union at the University of Nottingham. The Baroness recounted how she was originally not interested in politics during the time she worked as a nurse, but through gaining a peerage was able...
This year’s University Mental Health day falls on Thursday the 5th of March. 2020’s theme: random acts of kindness. It is the hope of organisers to raise awareness of the fact that doing even the smallest acts for others can help their mental health, as well as your own....
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has recently announced plans to create a project called the ‘Bezos Earth Fund,’ pledging $10 billion towards the fight against climate change. The money used for the fund comes from his own personal wealth, currently estimated at around $130 billion, making him the world’s richest...
On the 19th of February, students at the University of Nottingham voted ‘no’ to the Students’ Union Democratic Review. Out of the 1,344 votes cast there were 961 votes against the motion to make a number of fundamental changes to the Union’s constitution. Just two days after the results...
US Democrat Nancy Pelosi has defended her actions after tearing up President Trump’s speech at the State of the Union address last Tuesday, 4th February. The US speaker of the House of Representatives, tore up a copy of the President’s speech last week in an act of defiance against...
As a rainbow flag flew gently above the Trent Building, at the feet of the main entrance to the Portland building lay another rainbow. Decorated across the road in bright and cheerful paint was the new University of Nottingham rainbow crossing. “A generous crowd accumulated as LGBT+ officer Sam...