Calista Kiloh Ridley Scott takes audiences back to Ancient Rome with the highly anticipated sequel to his 2000 hit Gladiator. Set around 20 years after the events of the first film, Gladiator II is a sensory feat meant to be seen in theatres. The beating realness of David Scarpa’s...
The BACKLIT fundraiser was a true celebration of creativity, community, and holiday cheer, all in support of an important mission: helping BACKLIT secure ownership of its building. This event brought together a massive variety of activities and talent, turning a small venue into a winter wonderland filled with joy...
Stepping into this I had little idea around what to expect. While I was aware of the concepts of burlesque and cabaret, I had never attended a show quite like this before....
The Nottingham New Theatre’s production of The Tales of Alice perfectly reimagines Lewis Carroll’s classic story, with a new flair and contemporary twist. Written and directed by Farah Shah, and produced by Lily Hagen, the show offers a refreshed perspective on the beloved tale, blending Carroll’s chaotic and whimsical...
Jon M. Chu’s film adaptation of the highly acclaimed musical Wicked has been taking the internet by storm, and for good reason! The film is the first of two parts and covers the first act of the musical....
For a high-flying pantomime production, Peter Pan fell short of expectations of typical pantomime theatrics with lack of any coherent plot line and dragged out comedy acts recycled from an adult night comedy act.
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Lily Staples This latest pantomime extravaganza from the Nottingham Playhouse is Jack and the Beanstalk, a resounding triumph of fairy-tale magic paired with musical flair. It is directed by the ever-brillliant Adam Penford who provides the production with creativity, humour and elements of unmistakable Nottingham charm. Local references are...