Leacsaidh Marlow This year’s spring election series is now finished, and Impact are pleased to announce the results of the new SU officer team for next year!...
Jacob Edwards Now that I have made it all the way to final year, having taken a year abroad last year, too, I feel like I’ve gained a marginal degree of wisdom that I wish I could tell my first-year and second-year self. One of which is how to...
Leacsaidh Marlow Nightline is a non-advisory listening service, run by students, for students. Their motto is “We’ll listen, not lecture”, working under the ethos that no student should have their education compromised by emotional or mental health struggles. Many universities across the UK have a Nightline, any student can...
Katie Barr University was supposed to be where everything would finally click. Instead, I’m always running late, losing track of time, and watching deadlines sneak up like jump scares. I start tasks with the best intentions, only to get lost in a YouTube deep dive on the most notorious...
Leacsaidh Marlow A group of Impact Magazine writers have looked over the candidate manifestos for this year’s Student Union Elections....
Leacsaidh Marlow A group of Impact Magazine writers have looked over the candidate manifestos for this year’s Student...
Leacsaidh Marlow A group of Impact Magazine writers have looked over the candidate manifestos for this year’s Student Union Elections. Our team of elections reporters interviewed every candidate who...