In addition to our contributors, Impact has just under thirty editors. We also have a team of people who organise photos, design our pages, publicise the magazine and generally make sure everything works smoothly. Editors are elected every year – if you think you’ve got what it takes to be an editor, get involved now!
Editor-in-Chief: Leacsaidh Marlow
Head of Online: Thomas Martin
Deputy Online Editor: Tomos Millward
Deputy Online Editor: Rebecca Nkama
Print Editor: Alfie Johnson
External Manager:
Internal Manager:
Social Media Manager:
Welfare Officer:
Artistic Director:
Head of Illustrations: Vivika Sahajpal
Head of Images/ Photography: Anya Soares
Head of News: Soha Kassab
News Editor: Rebecca Nkama
Campus News Editor:
Head of Features: Mary Carolan
Features Editor: Abigel Lancaster
Comment Editor: Megan Brown
Head of Entertainment: Jocey Nel
Arts Editor:
Film and TV Editor:
Music Editor:
Gaming Editor:
Head of Lifestyle: Jacob Edwards
Style Editor:
Travel Editor:
Food Editor:
Science Editor:
Head of Sport: Tom Henigan
Sports Editor: Tomos Millward
Head of Reviews:
Reviews Editor: Katie Wain
Head of Investigations:
Investigations Editor: Serena Mehdwan
Head of Podcasts: Anna Boyne
Podcast Editor:
Hey I’m a student at Nottingham Trent but I also workat Farmyard Records who are a music promotion company based in Nottingham. We were just wondering if any of your music editors would like to preview and review our two upcoming events at Nottingham Contemporary? One is a spoken word evening and the other is a gig,
If you would liketo get in touch with my via my email,
Sana Anwar
A wonderful job I must admit!
A+ content on this website. would recommend
For some unfortunate reason, you liberally use yellow text on white background on your website. This is vwry difficult to read.
You are making the wrong sort of impact as an online publication that is not familiar with basics of UI (user interface) design. In addition, you may struggle to make the right sort of impact as readers struggle to read your articles.
Please sort this out. Please.
hey – i used to write for impact and was just adding it to my linkedin page. Do you think there’s any chance you could update the logo on the linkedin page and allow people to follow impact? – i think linkedin would be a great way to keep up to date with current articles and connect with alumni!
Hi there
I was browsing your site after finding it on the web and wanted to reach out to see if my client could be included in a guest post (I can provide the content).
I think my client would be a great fit for your readers, and we’d love to collaborate with you!
Could you please let me know if we can make the links do-follow?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards
Tim Michaels -Project Manager
Hi Tim,
If you email our external manager at she will get back to you regarding guest posts and pricing!