• Creative Corner: Santa’s Brother is Coming to Town

    Honestly, Christmas confuses me. I never quite understood how goodwill and festivity expresses itself in a garb of gluttonous feasting, expensive gifts nobody actually wanted, and sheets and sheets of fancy wrapping paper like the filled wallets of fat cat advertisers. But hey, you guys decided on this tradition...
  • Creative Corner: The Brightest Star

    Snowflakes clung to the windowpane like icing frosted upon a gingerbread house. With a start, Eleanor’s unfocused gaze took in the room around her: bench after bench of hard-working elves hand crafting this year’s presents. No time for slowing down. In her hands was another of the ragdolls, her...
  • Creative Corner: Snow

    I opened the shaking white door and saw a cream white blanket of Snow perched on the cold, shivering ground. I saw a painter, painting the dark sky into a fresh white one. A blanket of snow wanted me to step on it: I imagined it would take me...
  • Creative Corner: The Orphan Girl

    Frankie once again whisks us away to a fairytale world in his latest Christmas tale… In Winter, the call of the bells hound the Orphan Girl as she passes through the flurrying snow. In her rags she is a mere part of the landscape, a muddy blot gone unnoticed...
  • Creative Corner: Winter Poem

    Frost-crisped grass, a glittering field Of upturned blades, and the distant Muffled swell of a choir singing.   Windows fogged with steam and Lights blurred behind, flashing, Pulsing, twinkling against the eye.   A brisk wind to chap the lips, Noses red, feet stamping, hands Thumping, scarfs wrapped tight....
  • Interview – Charlotte Lunn

    Nottingham’s thriving poetry scene is a melting pot for local poets, drawing in performers from neighbouring cities and beyond, including the magical Charlotte Lunn. After her performance at Hockley Hustle, I caught up with Charlotte to chat all things poetry and spoken word. Q: You’ve performed at a range of...
  • Behind the Scenes at NNT: ‘Order From Chaos’ by Jonny Khan

    With just two productions left of this year’s season at NNT, we at Impact once again went behind the scenes to catch up with writer and director of Order from Chaos, Jonny Khan. Though a member of the NNT since first year, Order from Chaos is Jonny’s first time writing,...