The president’s victory speech may have been met with a patriotic, beating chant of “USA!”, but how far will Trump’s promised land stretch to serve all Americans? Efforts to heal and unite the nation may prove futile from a man as divisive as Donald Trump. Contrasting the mournful seen...
In the wake of continuing questions over the legitimacy of the poppy as a symbol of remembrance, IMPACT writers Felicity Goldsack and Jack Taylor give their takes on whether the poppy is still important, and what it represents in our modern society. Felicity: “Wearing a poppy doesn’t mean that...
With the number of contraception options available, and free condoms thrown at us multiple times a year at sexual health awareness events, what exactly is the point of the female condom? Is the Femidom a redundant form of contraception? YES The female what? Yes, my thoughts exactly. Despite being...
Richard Branson recently came to blows with the UN after it made claims that it would launch a global policy for the decriminalisation of all drugs. Branson posted the controversial statement in his personal blog which appears on the Virgin Media website, and was subsequently picked up by the...
Where national news is concerned, it’s the biggest story to break this October. It’s controversial, it’s all anyone’s talking about and it’s really bad news for shopaholics. Impact Comment investigates how UoN students are handling the carrier-bag-crisis. When I first heard about the new plastic bag charge I...
As another academic year begins, the pressure to get thinking about life after university seems strangely prevalent. With graduate job prospects remaining bleak, internships stand out as a gateway into the shiny adult world of employment and success. UoN students tell Impact Comment about their internship experiences and discuss...
The recent election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party has sparked one of the largest scale political debates we’ve seen all summer. Across the social media battle ground, shots have been fired, quite literally, left, right and center. Impact Comment reviews the oh so wide ranging opinions...