On the morning of 9th April 2021 it was announced that Prince Phillip had died peacefully in his sleep. The UK’s usual TV schedule was halted and instead filled with documentaries about his service to the country and Queen....
Masie Jane Garvin discusses the misogynist undertones of the recent dethroning of Pushpika De Silva as Mrs. Sri Lanka....
Victoria Treiber discusses the negative impacts of the obsession with productivity and hustle culture....
The Arab-Israeli conflict is one of the longest and most controversial matters plaguing the world today. It is often gone unspoken about, but the eviction of the Jerusalem Palestinian neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah and the violence that came as a result has been the subject of the latest surge...
Hannah Penny expresses the frustration of many students around the country over remote university....
Piers Morgan, a man who oversaw the continued phone hacking of numerous people, is not some champion of the people or the voice of the voiceless. ...
This past month has been a difficult one for most women and misogyny-affected individuals (MA individuals). On Wednesday 10th March, Sarah Everard’s death was confirmed after her disappearance from Clapham Common on Wednesday 3rd March....