On Thursday the 20th of February Baroness Caroline Cox gave a keynote evening speech to the Christian Union at the University of Nottingham. The Baroness recounted how she was originally not interested in politics during the time she worked as a nurse, but through gaining a peerage was able...
Impact joined the picket line and Thursday’s rally at Highfield Park to gage the feeling of students in the wake of the second wave of UCU Strike Action....
This year’s University Mental Health day falls on Thursday the 5th of March. 2020’s theme: random acts of kindness. It is the hope of organisers to raise awareness of the fact that doing even the smallest acts for others can help their mental health, as well as your own....
On the 19th of February, students at the University of Nottingham voted ‘no’ to the Students’ Union Democratic Review. Out of the 1,344 votes cast there were 961 votes against the motion to make a number of fundamental changes to the Union’s constitution. Just two days after the results...
Following a reported increase in sexual assault cases in the Nottingham area, Impact caught up with Louise Parry-Clarke to discuss her endeavours tackle the issue from a student-led perspective....
An interview with University of Nottingham alumnus and former Impact Online Editor, Sophie Hunt, reveals her experience of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan....
In anticipation of the Student Union's proposed democratic model referendum, May outlines what voting 'yes' and 'no' really means for the future of the university. ...