Directed by Max Roberts and written by Willy Russell, Educating Rita tracks the story of a working-class hairdresser, Rita into higher education. Passionate, determined and fun-loving Rita (Jessica Johnson) meets her alcoholic University tutor, Frank (Stephen Tompkinson) at the beginning of the play. Rita, despite her lack of education,...
Almost a year after the release of their album ‘For Now’, DMA’s descend on Nottingham’s Rock City, delivering a performance saturated with energy. The band is an Australian three-piece made up of Tommy O’Dell, Matt Mason and Johnny Tock. As the stage is lit, the unassuming threesome transform into...
I came across Beard’s Women and Power: A Manifesto whilst desperately searching for secondary reading for my dissertation. This critical essay does what it says on the tin, it discusses the relationship between women and power from the Ancient Romans and Greeks to today. An excellent and accessible piece...
From Hamilton to Legally Blonde the Nottingham University Musicality performers put on a spectacle of songs from some of the most well-known musicals on stage. Their most recent sold-out production, titled ‘Love, Laughter and Loathing’, had audiences loving the talent, laughing at the theatrical comedy and loathing themselves for...
Based on Henry James’ gothic novella and directed by Daniel Buckroyd, The Turn of the Screw is a tale of lost innocence. The tale retells the story of a governess who accepts an offer of employment which consists of caring for two children at a rural estate called Bly....
Nottingham New Theatre’s latest comedy We’re Here for Laura, a comedy about four horrible friends, written by Luwa Adebanjo and Kellyn Morrissey, and directed by Florence Avis, was a surprisingly light-hearted, entertaining exploration into the human inability to change. “It seemed like a caricature-esque Breakfast Club, a conclusion which...
On Tuesday evening, audience members at the Theatre Royal were transported back to the 1980’s as Rock of Ages, the jukebox musical directed by Nick Winston, embarked on the fourth leg of its UK tour here in Nottingham. Entering the beautiful ornate theatre, as pounding rock anthems were played,...