A captivating and humorous, Once Upon a Crime was the perfect blend between murder mystery and comedy. The deeply detailed set, creative use of lighting, and witty dialogue engendered an immersive and playful production, unafraid to dabble in the meta for help in solving the crime or cracking a...
From the 26th to the 28th of March Nottingham New theatre was home to a ‘queer, punk extravaganza’ in Nay Dhanak’s ‘Pain Threshold’. The story follows queer love and gender expression told via emotional monologue, quick wit, and punchy covers of Ezra Furman’s music. Impact’s Olivia Hughes Reviews....
Between 22nd-25th March, Nottingham New Theatre summoned one and all for jury duty, to decide whether Leonard Vole was guilty or innocent, in their gripping adaptation of Agatha Christie's Witness for the Prosecution. Amy Child reviews....
The new stage play from bestselling author Peter James, adapted by Shaun McKenna, comes to Nottingham Theatre Royal between 27th February - 4th March. Hoping for a few days away from their stressful world, Detective Roy Grace and his wife Cleo Morey take a holiday in rural France. However,...
On 16th February, Chronic Insanity hosted their eleventh “All Sorts” open mic night at Nonsuch Studios! This event opens its stage to literally all sorts of talent, ranging from dramatic storytelling to heartfelt poetry, to quirky stand-up. Impact’s Kyra Patterson reviews. ...
Aristotle and Socrates Odyssey ponders the question: what goes on inside the minds of two of the world's greatest thinkers? The answer they come up with: not a lot. Amy Child and Ana Balanici review Nottingham New Theatre's bright new comedy....
I’m sure I need not go into the nitty gritty of the plot. Suffice to say it is the tragedy to end all tragedies, a tale of death, betrayal, love and madness set in the backdrop of the 14th century Danish court. Kit Sinclair went down to the Nottingham...