Dear Auntie Carol… How do you get over a hangover? Dear reader… “I’m not going to tell you that you should’ve drunk water or eaten bread before going to sleep – that’s your mum’s speech. I’m the cool Auntie, remember?” Don’t worry, I’m not going to tell you that...
You know the feeling. Your head is pounding, your stomach is growling and you didn’t manage to make a late night trip to Maccies. You just need something to make you feel slightly more human and less like a zombie. Have no fear, here are the top food recommendations...
To those who know me it’s never a shock to see me winding down for bed at a time before many students have even finished their pre-drinks. Whilst part of this is perhaps my tendency to act like an old man, the main reason is that I honestly live...
Are you bored with having the same old cereal everyday? Unimpressed with toast? Well maybe it’s time to shake things up a bit, push the boat out and try something different for a change. We strongly suggest having a go at… kedgeree! Before you turn up your nose or say...