In this months poetry showcase, we thought we’d get into the Christmas spirit! So without further ado- on with the festivities! A time to share Hear the music, the radio blares Those classics of Whams last Christmas, they share the magic of Wizards, compare all my amaze and Makes...
Day 1 Overnight, pumpkins festoon supermarket windows. It has begun. Day 2 Boys with conkers, brown and polished as their school shoes, battering rams swung on shoelaces to fight. Day 3 Translucent colours hover in the sky, droplets plop, rainbow above the canal. Day 4 Late. Again. This stop...
In light of recent spooky holidays *cough cough Halloween* this months showcase focuses on the macabre, unearthly and most of all The Supernatural! Witching Hour This existence as a fatigued ghost- each waking moment an aching darkness. Lauren Winson Purgatory I tiptoe through the graveyard...
At the end of October-month skeletons dance on the graves of our mothers and fathers. They rise to the call of the night and bring out their buried fiddles to play a jig. Only Red Jack Robin, little Jack they call him who perches on the branches of the...
It’s the eighth month of the year. Officially, the seasons are winding in, the sunlight Pulling in closer and closer, pressing against The encroaching night, crawling from The yawning maw of darkness. It’s the eighth month of the year. Things with eight legs begin to shift, stir, Swing their...
Thinking If they say age is just a number Why should it feel like a deadline? Anxious to meet and to hold: Onto the rise of expectations that greet its Joy; to put those who wonder, Under pressure to achieve… What others can only hope them to. If...
The morning was bright and pale yellow like fainting buttercups, casting a welcoming tint over his home. He lived in a country village, small and peaceful, but not quite isolated. The only sounds he heard were bird song, the tractors in the fields and the persistent, whirring motors of...