Nearly a century after D.H. Lawrence wrote Lady Chatterley's Lover, Netflix has released a brand new adaptation of this scandalous story, that adequately serves to present this narrative for the modern audience. Directed by French actress Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre, the film explores the affiar that starts between Constance Chatterley...
At the beginning of the month both myself and Georgia Butcher made our way down to Lakeside Arts for a private view of Manuscripts and Special Collections latest exhibit: ‘A Selection of Elections’. Curated by Kathryn Summerwill and officially opened by Val Wood of the Nottingham Women’s History group,...
To showcase and celebrate the extraordinary cultural scene within Nottingham, this year saw the return of Neat, the Nottingham European Arts and Theatre Festival. From opera to contemporary art, the program consists of a variety of events to interest a wide range of people. A stand-out event for Impact Arts...
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, the promise of a romantic date with the other half is a chance not to be missed! From literary locations to historic landmarks, Impact Arts have picked our top five arts-related, go-to places in order for you to have an unforgettable Valentine’s...
After a bid launched in April 2014, an announcement was made on the afternoon of Friday 11th December that Nottingham has officially been awarded the prestigious title of UNESCO City of Literature. Nottingham is now one of only twelve cities worldwide to claim this accolade, the others including Reykjavik, Heidelberg,...
D.H. Lawrence’s taboo novel is well-known for its racy content. Despite being written in the early 20’s, Chatterley’s Lover wasn’t published in Britain until the 1960s. However, translating ‘erotic’ moments from page to screen isn’t easy. How do you draw the line between artistic and gratuitous? BBC One took-on...
This week sees the opening of the brand new D.H. Lawrence Festival of Culture – a month long event running until the 19th September promoting the area’s cultural heritage, local talent, and one of Nottingham’s most famous sons. Based in and around the Eastwood area (around 20 minutes from...