Thomas Martin Star Wars is a timeless franchise, one which has impacted pop culture immeasurably. In 1999, due to the strong anticipation for Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, Lucasfilm held the first Star Wars Celebration (SWC) in Denver, Colorado. With a starting attendance of 20,000, a...
15 years after the original hit theatres, Disenchanted arrives on Disney+. Izzy Moore discusses how releasing this movie straight on Disney+ invites a whole new audience to the Enchanted universe....
What about A New Hope made it an instant classic? Sam Barnes takes a look at how A New Hope made trailblazing steps in the science fiction genre and why it resonates so well with viewers today....
The new Star Wars series Andor is a prequel to Rogue One and follows the exploits of Rebel spy Cassian Andor in they years leading up to the film. Daniel Evans Reviews....
It has been reported that Netflix is considering pivoting its all-at-once release strategy for top titles to a once a week release strategy, akin to other streaming services and traditional TV. Ed Farley considers why both strategies can be successful, and how they benefit streamers and audiences alike....
Ed Farley Following his article on the Cancellation of DC’s Batgirl film, Ed Farley delves deeper into the ramifications of losing digital content, and how these ramifications draw parallels to the history of film. Streaming services. I’ve spoken about them a lot. The joys of having hundreds of titles...
Disney. It’s safe to say, millions grew up with its tales. From Baby Boomers to Millennials to Gen Z, audiences have witnessed the production company grow and cement its legacy as the multi-media juggernaut that we know today. Streaming is now the modern DVD basket we all had in...