• What Happened When I Went Vegan for Lent

    Can you make yourself gluten intolerant? I have definitely made it possible with the copious amount of bread I have consumed over the past few weeks. Name a food and I am confident I can make it into a toast topping. The best so far (I have still got...
  • The University of Nottingham’s History Festival

    Ever wondered what medieval people ate and what it tasted like? Think you would have had what it took to have been recruited into the Roman army? How far back can the concept of “Fake News” be traced? “The History Festival, 10th April, promises to be an exceptionally engaging...
  • How to Cut Down on Your Food Waste

    With an attitude of climate change in the air, food waste has become a recent talking point. Some food waste will always be inevitable, but cutting down on being wasteful will not only help save the planet but will also be cheaper in the long run. Here’s my top...
  • The Best Climate-Friendly Foods

    According to a study published by the University of Oxford, the production of food accounts for a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions and plays a bigger part in global warming than the transport industry. While many of us have cut down on our use of plastics within supermarkets, whether...
  • Mother’s Day Breakfast Recipes

    Mother’s Day falls this Sunday and while it can be difficult to get your Mum the present she really deserves on the uni student budget, making her a lovely breakfast can really show you care and not break the bank either. So here are a few recipe ideas that...
  • Going Vegan for Lent?

    Deciding to go vegan for Lent did not arise from going puppy eyed over puppies (disclaimer – I really do not like animals), but from my shameless procrastination of trawling through the depths of Wikipedia for hours whilst pretending to be on Google Scholar in Hallward. Apparently, sacrificing animal...
  • Rosa’s Recommendation of the Week: The Alchemist

    Nestled at the front of the beautiful Grade II listed 11 King Street, just off Old Market Square, The Alchemist is a classy and experimental restaurant with a molecular cocktail menu that will literally blow you away. The menu is a little limited, especially for the veggies and vegans...