Based on Eimear McBride’s debut novel and adapted for the stage by Annie Ryan, A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing is a truly harrowing play which director Amy Crighton and producer Josie Hayden did absolute justice. From the clever minimalistic set to the impressive acting of Kate O’Gorman, Nottingham...
Black Comedy is the third of Nottingham New Theatre’s in-house productions this term. It is a one-act, eight-man play that sees a random group of neighbours, parents, exes and electricity men in a darkened room, all struggling to understand what is going on and who is who. Director Louis...
Dark, disturbing, and dangerously comic are just a few ways to describe NNT’s production of John Hodge’s play, Collaborators. The audience are instantly captivated by the surreal journey into the bizarre imagination of the writer as he loses himself in a chilling and oddly comic relationship with Stalin. The...