• Parent-Friendly Dining in Nottingham

    Laura Ross Russell Nottingham boasts a broad foodie scene, offering many dining options, including those suited to a student’s budget. However, if your parents are visiting you this term then you have the perfect opportunity to enjoy a slightly more sophisticated meal, hopefully funded for you! Whether they’re just...
  • Supermarket

    New Research Into Meal Deals: How ‘Healthy’ Are They?

    Holly Philpott explores the science behind a good meal deal and the health benefits behind certain variants you may choose every day!...
  • Eating Three Meals A Day: Cultural Pattern Or Biological Necessity?

    Lujain explores why we eat three meals a day and whether this eating pattern is really necessary. ...
  • Hungover Food Recommendations

    You know the feeling. Your head is pounding, your stomach is growling and you didn’t manage to make a late night trip to Maccies. You just need something to make you feel slightly more human and less like a zombie. Have no fear, here are the top food recommendations...
  • Dining out on a budget – Nottingham’s five best set menus

    Being a student makes the prospect of eating out seem unfeasible and extremely crippling to the bank account. However, with an affordable set menu, the restaurants that once seemed out of reach are now within reach, allowing you to try the delicious dishes that they have to offer. Being...
  • Around the World in a Lunchbox

    The student packed lunch. Those words immediately conjure up an image of a limp, cling-wrapped ham sandwich that was made in a hurry before leaving the house – maybe with an apple that’s going soft for afters. Doesn’t sound too appealing, right? But this stigma towards packed lunches is...

    Symthson’s, the café you pass daily on your way to campus but maybe haven’t noticed before, has reopened under new management and Impact Food decided to take a closer look. We found a chatty and enthusiastic trio of Nottingham graduates offering a wide selection of sandwiches, hot drinks and an irresistible cake cabinet, and all...