A new month, a new year, a new set of films to look forward to. In Winston Churchill biopic Darkest Hour, Gary Oldman once again transforms himself in a performance that’s hotly tipped for awards glory. Speaking of which, the Bulgarian-Greek drama Glory depicts a platelayer (Stefan Denolyubov) who...
With the recent release of Arrival and Nocturnal Animals, and their subsequent critical acclaim, Amy Adams has proved once again that her talents as an actress are not to be underestimated. Impact Film & TV take a look at the road travelled by one of this year’s likely Oscar...
‘I’d rather be a rebel than a slave’; This historical quotation proved controversial; yet no words ring truer for Sarah Gavron’s Suffragette. Set in 1912, the film follows the fictional, working-class woman Maud Watts (Carey Mulligan), we see her evolve from meek, vulnerable laundry lackey to a dedicated and...
Documenting one of the most poignant periods of British history, Suffragette, directed by Sarah Gavron, follows the story of the radical Women’s Suffrage Movement, and the trials and tribulations they faced in order to gain the vote, attempt to create change, and become equal to men. The film, directed...
Into the Woods is a Disney adaptation of a Broadway musical where several familiar fairy tale storylines all converge within the magical space of The Woods. The central character to all the arcs is Meryl Streep as The Witch, and an actor of Streep’s calibre is needed to carry off...
Into the Woods boasts an impressive ensemble cast that includes Meryl Streep, Johnny Depp, Emily Blunt, James Corden, Chris Pine and Anna Kendrick. Based on the Tony-award winning Broadway musical, the film is a fantasy-genre crossover, intertwining several of our most beloved childhood fairytales to create a fantastical magical...