For Day 2 of our Fresher’s Memoirs, Holly provides a touching poem of Night one at university, waiting for a message from her long-distance partner. Night one without him is not lonely yet, but too quiet. It is not yet cold, in fact it’s quite muggy, but I can...
I’m a quadruplet; I like peas but hate mushy ones; I’m obsessed with rice pudding; I love a good pair of funky trousers and I don’t understand how tall people comfortably fit in beds. I’ve got all these things about me and whirring around in my little head and...
Lauren’s poetry is inspired by the nature she sees on campus and around Wollaton Park. Enjoy her poetic musings and beautiful photography on the subject of weather… Weather As inconsistent as a fickle lover, who murmurs promises to stay, whilst pulling the bedsheets from you, awakening cold and alone. Lauren...
As we come up to Valentines Day, we need to discuss why videogames have such as bad rap for the portrayal of relationships. With some notable exceptions such as the Witcher 3, relationships in games have either come across as token, awkward or completely sexist. This even goes as...
Ahh, it’s that time of year again: Valentine’s Day. Singletons across the country will be treated to a newsfeed full of couples that have been spoilt rotten by bae and lavished with expensive gifts. For some the treat lies in re-watching Bridget Jones in a self-induced ice cream coma and...