Set in post World War II Hollywood, this Netflix miniseries explores the hurdles faced by aspiring actors whilst trying to make it in the cut-throat world of acting. As an unashamed Gleek, a series created by Ian Brennan and Ryan Murphy, and which even stars Darren Criss, grabbed my...
‘Let’s drink this magic potion of love and emotion...’ Tame Impala’s fourth LP, The Slow Rush, marks five years of anticipation for fans, since the release of Currents in 2015. Full of psychedelic synthesiser beats and dreamy electric guitar, the long awaited album does not disappoint. Rather than resembling the psychedelic rock genre...
Sometimes life doesn’t go exactly the way you may have planned, and this is something that Love, Rosie explores with great depth and heart. Based on the novel Where Rainbows End by Cecelia Ahern, this charming Rom-com is a mesh of tears, moments that can’t help but prompt a smile...
Having visited the Glee Club a handful of times already, I went in knowing what to expect and excited that I was in for a fun night. Hosted by comedian Marc Olver, the all-male line-up was followed by three other comics including, Adam Hiss, Ian Coppinger and Mark Nelson....
A raw and emotionally taut film, Anchor and Hope follows the electric relationship of Eva (Oona Chaplin) and Kat (Natalia Tena) as they face the struggles of love, loss and the complicated possibilities that the appearance of Kat’s best friend Roger (David Verdaguer) brings. It strikes a chord with...
Released into a climate of uncertainty and simmering tensions, Spike Lee’s Klan based comedy-drama is a funky and significant interrogation of the nation’s definitive cultural conversation. Lee is a filmmaker whose career has been dominated with issues of race, cultural heritage and the role of the African-American experience in...
Since I can remember I have always loved literature and going to the theatre – so I have been aware, for some time, of Oscar Wilde’s permanently elevated status as Britain’s greatest writer/playwright of the 19th century. He is famously known for his sharp wit and cutting satire, often...