On November 29th, Marvel Entertainment released the first official trailer for Avengers: Infinity War, the long-awaited culmination of the Marvel cinematic universe, built up since Thanos’ first reveal all the way back in 2012 in the post-credit scene of the first instalment in the Avengers franchise, Avengers Assemble. A...
It might still be over half a year away, but we’re already getting excited for the next outing of our friendly neighbourhood Spiderman, as played by Tom Holland. With two versions of the trailer for Spiderman: Homecoming released today, we have plenty of action to wet our appetites. Tony...
When a studio spends years building up a release that is set to feature an ensemble cast, based off a hugely successful comic book, bring in crucial new characters, and gives away details in marketing material, it is quite easy for the final product to end up being completely...
“I can do this all day.” No Marvel! No, we cannot! Stop with the emotional dialogue and the breath-taking set pieces and just give us the film already! For the uninitiated, Captain America: Civil War has been gearing itself up as the ultimate superhero film of all time, no...
On the 7th February 2015, The Broncos and The Panthers came together for the Super Bowl 50. Though the clash was exciting for many, just as exciting was the halftime show, in particular the whole host of clips and teasers we were shown for the films of 2016. Impact Film...
Let’s wave goodbye to 2015! Good times, bad times we’ve had them all – but you know what they say, as one door closes, another one opens. Over the coming month we’ll be bringing you a snapshot of everything 2016 has to offer – the good, the bad and...
While Christmas is usually associated with glorious re-runs of Shrek and Pirates of the Caribbean, every so often we have those gems that are set at Christmas, but are never actually about Christmas. Here are some of the best examples: Die Hard and Die Hard 2 Kicking off this...