One minute you’re staring into their eyes, imagining your long future together, with two children, three dogs and a cottage somewhere picturesque. The next, they clap as the plane lands, and you’d rather be shot back into the air than ever spend another minute with them. That feeling of...
We all know the three R’s, reduce, reuse and recycle, ingrained into our minds since childhood. But how often do we think about those three words? More importantly, how often do we put them into daily practice within our lives?...
DeepSeek is a large language model (LLM), this is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that learns to understand and analyse text-based prompts and reply in turn. It can be used to generate text, code and complete complex maths problems much quicker than humans or standard search engines. Its...
Giselle Dailey Scientific research, built on the principles of rationality, evidence, and objectivity, faces an ongoing challenge in maintaining its integrity amidst growing incidents of misconduct. From fabricated data to unethical practices, such as those seen in the infamous case of Hwang Woo-Suk, the pressure to publish and succeed...
Harriet Hobbs “Irritating.” “Disgraceful”. “Pathetic”. Just a few of the colourful adjectives used to describe the controversial climate-change activist organisation. Despite only having been founded in February 2022, ‘JustStopOil’ has captured the nation’s fullest attention; but for better or worse? Harriet Hobbs delves into the controversy of the group...
Summer Revely Ever wanted to know how to be a genius in your field? Or do you just want to know how to get the best out of your working hours? Summer Revely’s article might just be the answer… It’s no secret that when you ‘get in the zone’...
Lily Upton Humans have always run – whether it was to hunt or escape from beasts. However, nowadays, it’s not about those beasts; it’s more about modern motivations. People run for all sorts of reasons: with their dogs, for their mental health, to get fit or even to just...