Spider-Man today remains one of the world’s most recognisable and culturally significant superheroes. Portrayed for years in comics, TV, film, and, of course, video games, Spider-Man has received nearly universal critical and commercial success in almost all forms of entertainment. Insomniac Games, praised developer of the likes of Ratchet...
Sony’s latest attempt to steal market share away from the MCU sees reporter Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) discover the aliens known as symbiotes. He and his psychotic alter-ego face off against the Life Foundation and its CEO Carlton Drake (Riz Ahmed), who seek to abuse the symbiotes, a power...
When a studio spends years building up a release that is set to feature an ensemble cast, based off a hugely successful comic book, bring in crucial new characters, and gives away details in marketing material, it is quite easy for the final product to end up being completely...
Adjusting to university can be a somewhat sticky situation, as you may want to grip to all you’ve ever known whilst new, sometimes exciting experiences can seem to be peeling you in a different direction. In Spider-Man 2, Peter Parker feels your student-related angst, as he attempts to spin...