Carrie Fisher, known most for her role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars saga, has died aged 60, following a heart attack on a flight to LA. Impact Film & TV looks back at her life, her talent and her incredible capacity to reach so many people, onscreen...
With Disney delivering consecutive Star Wars films two years in a row for the first time in history, I am certainly not complaining. The future is bright for the franchise and this is another shining example. After spending a substantial figure of $4 billion for Lucasfilm in 2012, Disney...
Ah, Star Wars is great, isn’t it? A New Hope (sorry purists, THAT’S what I’m calling it), The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi – classic films, one and all. The prequels were a bit shit though, weren’t they? Because who wants original storylines, new characters and a...
November 1998: The first Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace trailer premieres in cinemas around the world. Expectations were high…oh, innocence is bliss. IMPACT Film & TV dare to imagine a Trailer Watch from yesteryear… George Lucas’ stellar new trailer for Star Wars: The Phantom Menace showcases the thrilling, classic StarWars-esque...
With The Force Awakens buzz dying down and the impending Blu-Ray release just around the corner it seemed that Star Wars’ firm grip over the film world was beginning to loosen… and then the first trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hit. It has been a few...
Let’s wave goodbye to 2015! Good times, bad times, we’ve had them all – but you know what they say, as one door closes, another one opens. Over the coming month we’ll be bringing you a snapshot of everything 2016 has to offer – the good, the bad and...
It’s here. After all the hype, the teasers, the trailers, the TV spots, the tight-lipped interviews, the ingenious marketing and the meticulously planned promotion – it’s here. The most hotly anticipated film of the last decade has arrived. And it doesn’t disappoint. Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a...