In a world consumed with the speed of technology, with its broadcasts and social media that operate an increasingly intrusive and looming presence within society where love and loss are often at times romanticised, distorted and inflated beyond veracity. Do I Wanna Know, through moments of comedy and poignant...
Kicking off the New Theatre’s in-house season, Stef Smith’s drama Swallow follows the physical and emotional journeys of three individuals struggling to come to terms with the direction their lives are taking. On the afternoon of the first run, Impact sat down with the cast and crew to discuss...
NNT have kicked off their in house season this semester with Swallow, a three-character play exploring some of the deep-rooted issues of contemporary life. Written by Stef Smith, this script is honest, thought-provoking and powerful. Director Ted Marriott and producer Rosa Morgan have done a brilliant job of bringing...
Hilarious, full of innuendos and the perfect way to end the semester – NNT’s production of Richard Bean’s One Man, Two Guvnors is a comedic triumph. A modern-day adaptation of Carlo Goldini’s Servant of Two Masters, the play is a comedy in the style of Commedia dell’arte, or simply...