This latest Netflix miniseries combines an all-star cast and a strong science fiction element to provide an intriguing interpretation of the future, while deftly balancing a very personal exploration of mental health. Yet despite the insightful direction and multi-faceted lead performances, the plot has a tendency for straying into...
As time rolls closer to the end of the decade, many critics are already claiming the past ten to fifteen years as the “Golden Age of Television”. Since HBO graced the world of TV crime drama with David Chases’ seminal and groundbreaking Sopranos and David Simon’s uber-realistic The Wire,...
Benedict Cumberbatch, Matthew McConaughey and Zooey Deschannel. What do they all have in common? Besides their curiously charming names, they’ve all made the jump from television to Hollywood, and then back again. This is part of a recent trend adopted by so called ‘A-list’ acting talent, as an increasing number are taking work on...