Ewan James As part of the Nottingham Games, which is set to take place this Sunday, the 13th June, UoN Men’s Futsal will be taking on NTU Men’s Futsal at David Ross Sports Village. In a year with no BUCS competitions and little sports at University in general, these...
Maya Israel 2021 has been a tough year for sporting students. With the cancellation of the second Varsity Series, it is safe to say that the much-loved rivalry between Nottingham Trent and the University of Nottingham has been sorely missed. To reconcile this feeling, as the sporting world continues...
Matthew Gaskins After months of enforced inactivity, Boris’ recent announcement signals the long-awaited return of sport! But which are you looking to try post-lockdown?! A taste of the sports available here at the University of Nottingham are detailed below – which one of these amazing possibilities suits you?! Powerlifting:...
Rachel chats to Issy Walker, Chair of Welfare In Sport at the University of Nottingham, to learn more about the work they do....
Rachel chats to UoN Thai Boxing to learn more about the sport and what it has to offer ...
Maya Israel talks to UoN Dodgeball's Gen Sec Rachel and President Marcus to find out about the sport and its plans for this year ...
Elijah Trevers outlines why starting university is the perfect time to try a new sport, and the multiple benefits it can bring...