To continue Impact’s new ‘Challenges’ feature, we challenged Jennifer to find out: is it possible to get an egg to survive Ocean?
Simply put, no. What started out as optimistic intentions soon found ‘Eggbert’ going to a better place as he was pronounced dead at 12:09am in the chaos that is the girl’s toilets in Ocean. Although Eggbert’s passing in all honesty was no great loss to me (though don’t tell his family that), in a moment of reflection it dawned on me that, what this week for me was just a loss of an egg, for many people each week becomes a lost phone, bank card, ID or, dare I say it, a loss of dignity.
“Amongst the joy brought from cheesy music and a couple of VK’s, we also leave ourselves vulnerable to the risk of our own excessive clumsiness”
Most of us all love a dip in Ocean’s waters when Friday eventually rolls around and I’d be the first to admit that just hearing a second of the Baywatch theme tune will send me into a euphoric daydream of Ocean’s past. But amongst the joy brought from cheesy music and a couple of VK’s, we also leave ourselves vulnerable to the risk of our own excessive clumsiness or even other people’s not so decent craftiness. Admittedly, the wave of posts on the ‘Buy and Sell’ page after an Ocean night – offering to return valuables to their owners – does reassure me that there are plenty of good people dancing to Andy Hoe’s ‘Erection Section’ amongst us. However, if I’ve learnt anything from Eggbert’s short lived night it’s that we should all try to look after ourselves better on nights out. At the risk of sounding like my own mother, we should never forget that ‘just a couple of drinks’ can also lead to consequences that may not always be as easy as getting over a cracked egg.
“If someone is planning on taking an egg to Ocean, maybe get them to boil it first”
In hindsight, it seems like what was initially just a challenge of ‘Egg Vs Ocean’ prompted a reflection on university nightlife culture. I can now happily say that I’ve not only learnt that I need to look after myself and my belongings a bit better on a night out, but also that if someone is planning on taking an egg to Ocean, maybe get them to boil it first (you get weird looks if you start trying to remove egg shell from your clutch in the middle of the dancefloor).
Jennifer Peck
Images: Jennifer Peck and Jill Forsdick.
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