
Creative Corner – ‘New Beginnings’ Showcase

A collection of poetry on the theme of 'New Beginnings'.

This months theme kicks off the academic year by centering on ‘New Beginnings’. So kick back, relax and press reset…

Step up, and step in

The sun rises, the sun will set
The simplest fact we will ever get
For some things are big; some things are small
But every day is new to us
Celebrations, and all.

Starting afresh, feels big to some
But then there are others who have already won:
Feeling bold and brave, in themselves, (I mean)
All at once, feel what others can only hope to dream;

Gifts of openness, gifts of joy,
Characteristics: not ashamed or coy.
But no matter what, you think you’ll miss-
The chance to develop should be your only wish.

It may sound strange, it may sound wrong
But hold your head high, and try to stay strong.
Don’t over think, don’t even expect
Is the best advice I’ve offered yet.

So embrace the adventure
Try to move on
And start your journey as you mean
To go on.


Olivia Morel


When Your World is Full of Fire


When your world is full of fire

And the sky is falling down,

These words will lift you higher

Amidst the silence all around.

When the stars are growing dimmer

And the lights begin to fade,

In your heart there glows a glimmer,

In the night you’ll glimpse the day.

You’re hurt and lost at sea, but soon

The winds will blow you home.

I just wanted to say to you,

For now, just so you know:

The love within will save your soul;

It’ll get you through the dark.

And memories will take you

To a new and truer start.


Irfan Chowdhury


A Haiku



Waltzing floral flutter

wings greet old friend,

summer sun-

dusky husk dangles



Lauren Winson




Her memory flourishes

Like a spring time bloom

Reminiscent of her signature scent

Jersey soap with honey

And the encompassing nature

Of her small slender arms

That like ivy

She drapes around me

Wiping away half-formed crocodile tears

From scraped knees

Or a first break ups dark abyss.


Instead, she encircles me

With her magic hope

Found in shiny green runner beans

And the velvety soil

That she so lovingly tends

Casting a spell with her knowing gaze.


… As children we’d always be watching

For her secretive wink

Translating into one eternal truth

That she will never stop flowering.


Esther Kearney

To get your work featured, send your submissions to, or message Esther Kearney via Facebook.

Featured image courtesy of Georgia Butcher.

Article image 1 courtesy of Nefci, image 2 courtesy of Alexander Mueller, image 3 courtesy of michael_swan and image 4 courtesy of XJMoon all via Flickr. 

Image use licence here.

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