This uplifting musical follows the story of two Mormons who are sent to Uganda to teach people about their religion. I had never heard of the Mormon religion before seeing the show, a branch of Christianity initiated by Joseph Smith in the 1920s. They both trained as missionaries, and the...
As Netflix’s newest film offering, Okja, directed by Joon-ho Bong, came with a lot of expectations. The trailers suggested a typical Samson versus Goliath story, with the twist of a giant CGI pig-hippo combo, which left some feeling cold, though thankfully the film exceeds all expectations. It has been...
Does anyone remember Ellie Goulding and overly dramatic and cleanly produced EDM tracks? Well Calvin Harris sure doesn’t. His newest album Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 1 sees the legendary UK producer turn a new leaf in his discography, reinventing his sound to fit modern chart-topping music, while simultaneously borrowing...
Littered with callbacks to earlier episodes of Series 10 and Classic Doctor Who, ‘The Doctor Falls’ is an explosive and emotive closer to the undisputed best series of the show in recent history. But is the episode actually any good? WARNING: MINOR SPOILERS Like any Doctor Who episode which...
Alexandra Savior’s debut album is a dark and gloomy trip through the grip of love. The guiding hand of Arctic Monkey’s frontman Alex Turner makes the sound of Belladonna of Sadness familiar, with echoes of the band’s 2013 album AM haunting much of Saviour’s debut. While the lack of...
If anyone out there still hasn’t seen Wonder Woman, I have some words of advice: go watch it. Coming from someone who has never seen a DC-related TV-series or film, Wonder Woman is amazing, and rivals plenty of its Marvel counterparts. With a cast based heavily around strong female...
The 21st June saw the second day of Nottingham’s Student Fringe Festival, with the standard just as high as the previous day. With dance, mime, music and poetry alongside previews for Edinburgh Fringe and much more, it was once again an unmissable day showcasing some of the best that...