• What does Black Mirror Season Four say about Modern Society?

    Charlie Brooker’s Black Mirror is a British anthology series of distinct horror stories, disparate in genre and characters, but alike in their focus on the negative impact of technology. The highly anticipated fourth season was released in December 2017, consisting of six episodes. This season is darker than ever,...
  • Charity Screening – No Easy Walk to Freedom

    On 7th February 2018, Broadway Cinema will be showing the documentary “No Easy Walk to Freedom”, directed by Nancy Nicol. The film screening is set to bring forth awareness regarding the trials and tribulations faced while resisting Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, which criminalises all sexual activities...
  • Look Out For… February

    February may be the shortest month, but we’re certainly not short of great film releases. Denzel Washington and Daniel Day-Lewis give Oscar-nominated performances as a shy lawyer in Roman J. Israel, Esq. and an obsessive 1950s dressmaker in Phantom Thread, respectively. Of course, if awards-bait isn’t your thing, Helen...
  • Hollywood Puts on a Brave Face in Light of a Truly Dark Year

    The nominations are in, and now throughout Hollywood speeches are being written, falsely gracious losing faces practised, probably even somewhere red carpets dry-cleaned. And yet this year’s ceremony will take place in the light of what can only be described as a truly earth-shattering year for the industry. The...
  • Doctor Who’s Feminist Agenda

    Doctor Who revealed their casting of a female Doctor in July last year. I’m sure, Whovian or not, you’ll join me in my reaction: “about time”. Finally, the BBC show has broken the metaphorical glass TARDIS. Jodie Whittaker stepped into the time-traveller’s shoes after Peter Capaldi bowed out of...
  • 200 Years of Frankenstein

    On 1st January 1818, an unknown author called Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley anonymously published a novel entitled Frankenstein; Or, the Modern Prometheus, and changed the world of fiction as we know it. The book is often heralded as the beginning of the science fiction genre, and it sparked countless adaptations...
  • Look Out For… January

    A new month, a new year, a new set of films to look forward to. In Winston Churchill biopic Darkest Hour, Gary Oldman once again transforms himself in a performance that’s hotly tipped for awards glory. Speaking of which, the Bulgarian-Greek drama Glory depicts a platelayer (Stefan Denolyubov) who...