It is five years this month since The Walt Disney Company completed the acquisition of Lucasfilm, the production firm responsible for the creation of Star Wars, perhaps the most exceptional and significant media franchise in movie history, second only to Disney itself. Too young to go to the cinema...
Double-Emmy-Award-Winning San Junipero follows a party girl determined to live life to the fullest without any emotional attachments – that is until she falls for another girl. Its writer, Charlie Brooker, is renowned for his dark story-telling, but San Junipero unexpectedly became one of the most uplifting queer love...
Ah, December. A month of rushing to meet deadlines before the holidays – cramming before Crimbo, if you will. Not to mention the food – Yule logs, roasted everything and mince pies aplenty: nothing beats festive food. And what better way to spend a cosy winter evening than with...
Known as the greatest and most selective screen actor of his generation, after 30 years of pushing acting to its limits, a record-breaking 3 Academy Awards for Best Actor, and a short stint as a shoe maker, Daniel Day-Lewis’ sensational yet quietly stellar career looks set to finally come...
As November comes to a close, some of you may have noticed the expected increase of “in your face” facial hair on the men on and off UoN’s campus. The reason behind it all is the yearly tradition of Movember, a way to raise awareness and funds for the...
The Incredibles is, for most film viewers of a certain age, a very fondly-remembered film. Coming from the golden age of the ever-reliable animation studio Pixar, it charmed audiences with its hilarious script, exciting action scenes and still-great visuals. So it is with great anticipation that the trailer for...
With the release of the name of the second Fantastic Beast film, along with a cast photo featuring our first look at Jude Law’s younger version of Albus Dumbledore, Impact looks at the possibilities this new film has… We are familiar with the storyline of Gellert Grindelwald, relevant as...