• Witness for the Prosecution: Gripping or Gruesome?

    After the success of last year’s adaptation of And Then There Were None, this time the BBC has taken on another of Agatha Christie’s impressive murder mysteries, and created a stunning television two-parter. Beware spoilers. The story follows the trial of Leonard Vole (Billy Howle) for the murder of...
  • Doctor Who Christmas Special: The Return of Doctor Mysterio

    It’s been a long wait for Doctor Who fans this year. This Christmas special marks the first episode released since the last Christmas special, since there was no full series in 2016. But with such a wait, was it worth it? (SPOILERS AHEAD) The last time was saw the...
  • Drowned in Moonlight, Strangled by Her Own Bra: Impact pays tribute to Carrie Fisher

    Carrie Fisher, known most for her role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars saga, has died aged 60, following a heart attack on a flight to LA. Impact Film & TV looks back at her life, her talent and her incredible capacity to reach so many people, onscreen...
  • Sex, Drugs, and Being on the Run: The Highs and Lows of the sense8 Christmas Special

    The next series of Netflix’s incredible sci-fi/fantasy show isn’t out until May, but their two-hour Christmas special is the perfect way to fill the sense8-shaped hole in your free time. With an emotional rollercoaster like that of Season One, a continuation of the high-stakes events, and just as much...
  • What’s on the box this Christmas

    For those of you who can’t be bothered to buy a Radio Times but don’t want to miss out on the best films and TV shows on the small screen this Christmas, Impact has got you covered! Here’s our pick of the best on the box… CHRISTMAS EVE TV We’re...
  • Rogue One: A New Tone

    With Disney delivering consecutive Star Wars films two years in a row for the first time in history, I am certainly not complaining. The future is bright for the franchise and this is another shining example. After spending a substantial figure of $4 billion for Lucasfilm in 2012, Disney...
  • Films to watch at Christmas (that aren’t Christmassy)

    Are you sick of Christmas already, even though it’s not even happened yet? Considering some people put their decorations up in mid-November, and the fact that Channel 5 has been playing pretty much non-stop Christmas films for the past month, we don’t blame you. To help you get through...