• The Unstoppable Louis Theroux vs. The Immovable Church of Scientology

    “The highest one can attain to truth is to attain his own illusions” –  L . Ron Hubbard. Louis takes on Scientology in My Scientology Movie. The church of Scientology is an onerous subject to make a documentary on. Not only is there a vast amount of films covering similar...
  • Trailer Watch – Logan

    Logan, based on Mark Millar’s Old Man Logan series, is set to be the final solo Wolverine film, after X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) and The Wolverine (2013). Directed by James Mangold, it stars (who else?) Hugh Jackman as the eponymous character. Now, Wolverine has always viewed his power –...
  • Mayhem Film Festival – Raw: A Cannibalistic Coming of Age

    Last week Broadway Cinema once again played host to the Mayhem Film Festival, a celebration of horror movies and related genres. Raw was one such of these films, and it was certainly an interesting take on our notion of horror. Raw follows the story of Justine, a young woman...
  • The Girl with all the Gifts: Zombie Movie with a Difference

    In a genre everybody knows inside out, it’s hard to stand out from the crowd. But The Girl with all the Gifts manipulates the tropes of its predecessors, adds a huge dose of original thinking and an intriguing alternative approach to zombie movies to create a fantastic and thought-provoking...
  • Mayhem Film Festival – I Am Not A Serial Killer

    Last week Broadway Cinema once again played host to the Mayhem Film Festival, a celebration of horror and related movies. I am Not a Serial Killer was an excellent addition to the range of films on offer as an interesting, genre-bending movie. Following the life of John, a teenager...
  • Short Shorts Reviews

    This weekend, the Savoy Cinema in Lenton has been playing host to the first ever Nottingham International Film Festival, showing feature films and a slew of varied shorts from around the world. Here are some quick-fire reviews of a series of short films shown on Saturday at the festival....
  • Trailer Watch: Jackie

    Natalie Portman has always had a rather interesting career. Although reviews for her films have fluctuated between terrible  – like the Star Wars prequel trilogy – to brilliant, such as Leon: The Professional, the one constant throughout has been her obvious talent for acting. The Oscar she won for...