For anyone who has noticed a big, white marquee on The Downs this week and perhaps found themselves wondering what is happening within, fear not – you can find answers to all of your questions here in my interview with Keziah Nightingale, one of the organisers of the ‘’...
The words NHS and privatisation, coupled together, were hot press in 2019. However, the reality behind what privatisation really entails, and the differences it will make, were often forgotten. Talk of a future trade deal with America 'selling the NHS' was misleading and left much of the electorate in...
Dear Auntie Carol… How can I stick to my New Year’s resolution this year? Dear reader… First of all, let me apologise for my absence last week! For those of you who don’t know – last Tuesday was my BIRTHDAY! Honestly, so many unexpected things happened. To cut a...
Dear Auntie Carol… How do you get over a hangover? Dear reader… “I’m not going to tell you that you should’ve drunk water or eaten bread before going to sleep – that’s your mum’s speech. I’m the cool Auntie, remember?” Don’t worry, I’m not going to tell you that...
Dear Auntie Carol… How do I make sure I have someone waiting under the mistletoe? Dear reader… First things first, you do not NEED anyone waiting under the mistletoe. When our Messiah Carey famously said, ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’, she was singing about herself! That’s right:...
Dear Auntie Carol, Any cheap Christmas present ideas for family? I’m strapped for cash and need some inspo. Dear reader… You know, Channel 4 originally asked ME to do their Christmas special. Yes, that’s right – Kirstie’s Handmade Christmas was originally meant to be Carol’s Handmade Christmas! But I...
Dear Auntie Carol… How do you deal with a bad cold? Dear reader… “The Carol Cold is so much MORE than the common cold – just like Auntie Carol is so much more than the common person” What you first need to understand is that colds occur on a...