In an attempt to crack down on the 15 million wasted GP appointments per year, new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak proposed a £10 fine for patients who miss appointments without a cancellation warning. Number 10 reports he has since U-turned on the idea. Impact's Maddie Dinnage reports....
A recent wide-scale trial has been ongoing right under our noses in the UK, unbeknowst to most of us. 3300 employees across 73 companies have been trialling a four-day working week, where they received one paid day off a week. Companies taking part range from a car parts retailer...
Have you heard about the latest Netflix show? Yeah, Dahmer. What’s it about? Oh, it’s a story about a serial killer who committed the most heinous and unspeakable crimes against seventeen men and boys. Holly Philpott asks, how could Netflix come up with something so evil? ...
After weeks of economic turbulence as a result of the disastrous mini-budget announced by then Chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, Liz Truss resigned as Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party on Thursday 20th October. In a rapid leadership contest, lasting less than a week, Rishi Sunak received the MP...
Isabelle Kennedy-Grimes One year on from the spiking ‘pandemic’, students of Nottingham have been spurred to assess the progress (or lack thereof) demonstrated by club and bar-owners in their efforts to prevent and sufficiently handle cases of spiking. Isabelle Kennedy-Grimes delves into the effectiveness of current club and bar...
Daniel Matthan With campuses in three countries, its respectable age, and status as a founding member of the Russel Group, the University of Nottingham’s academic profile should expect to impress. Appearances can mislead, however. The ageing, more allegedly arbitrary perceptions of reputation are increasingly cast aside in favour of...
With the rise of social media activism and the appearance of figures like Greta Thunberg, the public’s concern for climate change has increased in recent years. With this, so has the level of actionable activism surrounding it. Protests have become more and more extreme, with increasing vandalism, destruction and...