• Pictorial representation of planet earth surrounded by thousands of satellites in low earth orbit

    Practising The Clean-Up Of Space

    Christina Giallombardo Looking up at the night sky with the naked eye and seeing nothing but darkness and a few stars, it’s hard to imagine the sheer volume of space debris (also known as space junk) orbiting the Earth. The space junkyard gives us a glimpse back in time....
  • Cartoon illustration of oger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel, and Andrea Ghez

    Black Hole Researchers Awarded 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics

    Aleyna Adamson  The 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three scientists for their discoveries on black holes. One half of the prize was awarded to Roger Penrose for his discovery that black holes are a direct result of Einstein’s theory of general relativity. The other half was...
  • Space Week 2020 Quiz

    Matthew Bird Space Week 2020 may be over, but how much have you been paying attention? Complete the quiz below to find out! Comment your scores below and share to Facebook and Twitter to see if you beat your friends! Find all of our Space Week 2020...
  • Salt Water Lakes On Mars

    Aleyna Adamson In 2018, a group of Italian researchers announced evidence to suggest the presence of subsurface lakes at Mars’ southern pole using data from MARSIS (The Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding). Aleyna Adamson looks at some new data which sheds light on the nature of...
  • Mary Jackson explains the facilities used in testing research models to Guidance Counselors from Hampton Institute.

    How Black Women Accelerated The Space Race

    Feyintoluwa Ayanlaja White men may have landed on the moon, but the works of Black women paved the way there. Feyintoluwa Ayanlaja explores the stories of some of these extraordinary women. On the 20th of July 1969 it was official; “the Eagle had landed” on the moon and with...
  • Pictorial representation of planet earth surrounded by thousands of satellites in low earth orbit

    Cleaning Up Our Space Junk

    Rian Patel Space is a fabric with many colours and quirks. Lighting up an otherwise black abyss, stars shine light that reflects off planets, moons, and even our tiny satellites and telescopes that we launch beyond our atmosphere. Everything in space is out on show. Yet with our naked...
  • International Space Station viewed with the Earth i the background

    “It’s All About The Sauce” — What Happens On The International Space Station?

    Philippa Flanagan-Smith Tears held together by surface tension, zero-G tortillas, Star Trek cosplays — the International Space Station (ISS) has produced a plethora of entertaining and informing content about life in space since its launch in November 1998. A quick Google search brings up thousands of results about how...