• Earth Is (Yet Again) Under Threat From The Trump Administration

    Ryan Keane Extinction Rebellion and animal conservation protests are commonplace these days – and for good reason. Corporate greed means people are putting short-term profit maximisation and easily accessible energy above a healthy climate and earth. Ryan James Keane reports how the Trump administration, with an extensive history of...
  • Wind turbines are the backdrop for the Impact and Covering Climate Now logos

    Impact Is Covering Climate Now

    Impact are now part of Covering Climate Now. The Climate Emergency is the most pressing issue of our generation. It touches every aspect of our lives and every community around the world. The consequences of our warming climate directly exacerbate other global problems from hunger and poverty to health...
  • DIY Weather Forecasting

    Ruth Bentley You don’t need access to a high-tech lab or fancy equipment to do science. After a quick rummage in your house you’ll find everything you need to make your own barometer. Sandals or welly boots? Follow these instructions and you’ll be able find out for yourself! You...
  • The Big Butterfly Count: Get Involved With Helping Britain’s Butterfly Population

    The UK is currently home to 59 butterfly species – 57 native species and 2 migrant species. Although we may not realise it, these species are actually important pollinators of many wildflowers, meaning that they make an essential contribution to plant and animal diversity. The Big Butterfly Count is...
  • Can A Growing Population Be Sustainable?

    The United Nations observes World Population Day on the 11th of June. In 1989 this day was known as the Day of Five Billion. In the years since, our population has continued to grow to 7.8 billion today. Is it possible for a sustainable future with this continued growth?...
  • To Catch a Songbird: Why Finance Is Fuelling a Destructive Indonesian Trend

    Throughout the jungles of Indonesia, illicit acquisitions of wildlife are taking place. Songbirds of all shades and sizes are being taken from their habitats and forced to become pets who participate in rowdy competitions....
  • The Dawn of Deep-Sea Mining: How Financial Greed Could Spell More Trouble for Life on Earth

    It appears as though the oceans are set to become the next commercial frontiers. Conversations are being had about the impending practice of mass deep-sea mining and its lucrativeness, much to the distaste of environmentalists. In a world already bludgeoned by excessive human contact, people are questioning the ethics...