Guiding the audience throughout the protagonist’s struggles in the process of creating a film, Tom Proffitt’s The Greatest Thing You’ve Ever Seen is a hopeful portrayal of how personal and physical obstacles can be overcome with conviction, perseverance, and a little help from your friends. The play opens with...
Light-hearted and easy watching, Nottingham New Theatre’s As You Like It adds extra gags and a modern twist to the topsy-turvy world of Arden in this student-led production directed by Felicity Chilver. As You Like It is jammed full of family feuds, match-matching and cross-dressing. Rosalind and her dear...
Chaotic, comical and self-aware, The Super Awesome Happy Fun-Time Trick Performance by Ben Webber is an absurdist piece of comedy that is reminiscent of meta-theatrical works such as The Play That Goes Wrong, where the boundaries of the set, the audience, and the characters themselves are constantly broken down....
When the Twilight series finally came to an end, and people started to grow tired of the vampire/werewolf fascination that took over young adult novels, a new genre in the YA market emerged as its successor: the dystopian novel. With so many new titles appearing on shelves over the...
W;t by Margaret Edson is the current in house production at Nottingham New Theatre, and it is, in my opinion, an absolute triumph. The play is an incredibly raw and tender piece of theatre that you must witness if you have the chance, but I’ll give you a warning...
Luke Wright delivered an in-your-face, politically charged performance of poetry in a one-man show entitled What I Learned From Johnny Bevan. Starting with a skit on London and the pretentious life one can lead there, Wright’s character Nick set the scene by detailing a new festival that gentrified a set...
Experimental theatre with hilarious results! Yee Heng Yeh’s All The World’s a Stage and Other Stories is a brilliant play that blurs the boundaries, to say the least, whilst transporting you into everyday worlds that make you reflect on whether we are all just players on a stage. The...