Cora-Laine Moynihan The popularity of anime has undoubtedly risen in recent years, spanning from its origins in the East to now dominating the Western world. Cora-Laine takes a look back at the rise of this popular genre to discover how it originated and why we love it so much...
Gemma Cockrell reviews Part One of 'Attack on TItan: The Final Season'....
Gemma Cockrell reviews season two of 'The Promised Neverland'....
Since its debut in 2006, Death Note has become one of the most successful and well-known animes worldwide. It is therefore unsurprising that director Adam Wingard made the decision to create a feature-length production based upon the original Japanese work. Yet the term ‘based on’ must be used loosely,...
With Studio Ghibli being on an indefinite hiatus, it’s re-assuring to know the studio’s animators are still in work and producing some of the most beautiful animation films around; a category which ‘Your Name’ certainly falls into. Currently being the fourth highest-grossing film in Japan of all time and...