• Amazon on Fire – What can we do?

    More than 72,000 fire outbreaks in Brazil have occurred this year – an increase by 84% from 2018 (according to the National Institute for Space Research).  Though the Amazon rainforest feels geographically far from the UK, it remains the heart of the planet. Since July, the deforestation rate was...
  • Why the Primark Online Shopping Rumours are Actually a Blessing

    News broke out this week that Primark was finally launching online shopping as well as a click and collect service for its customers. Fans were excited and social media hit off with many claiming this was ‘what they’ve been waiting for’. Unfortunately, for these fans, the rumours seem to...
  • What Happened When I Went Vegan for Lent

    Can you make yourself gluten intolerant? I have definitely made it possible with the copious amount of bread I have consumed over the past few weeks. Name a food and I am confident I can make it into a toast topping. The best so far (I have still got...
  • How to Cut Down on Your Food Waste

    With an attitude of climate change in the air, food waste has become a recent talking point. Some food waste will always be inevitable, but cutting down on being wasteful will not only help save the planet but will also be cheaper in the long run. Here’s my top...
  • The Best Climate-Friendly Foods

    According to a study published by the University of Oxford, the production of food accounts for a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions and plays a bigger part in global warming than the transport industry. While many of us have cut down on our use of plastics within supermarkets, whether...
  • Sustainability Week 2019

    As we reach the middle of Sustainability Week it’s important to remember what it stands for. Sustainabilitity Week aims to raise awareness about environmental and social issues on a range of topics. To empower students and staff to make small changes in their life that have a big impact...
  • Going Vegan for Lent?

    Deciding to go vegan for Lent did not arise from going puppy eyed over puppies (disclaimer – I really do not like animals), but from my shameless procrastination of trawling through the depths of Wikipedia for hours whilst pretending to be on Google Scholar in Hallward. Apparently, sacrificing animal...