Just over 50 years ago, The Railway Children (based on the 1906 book by Edith Nesbit), graced our television screens with its heartwarming beauty and endearing simplicity. On 15th July 2022, cinemas saw the arrival of a sequel movie, The Railway Children Return. Set during World War Two, the...
One of the final, and most anticipated, films of the year, the latest instalment of The King's Man was recently released. Daniel Evans shares his thoughts....
As seen in our print edition, Impact's Reviews team have come together to review their favourite classic films and albums....
As 2021 draws to a close Impact's Reviews Team share their thoughts on some of their favourite films of the year, featuring The Green Knight, The Mauritanian, Spencer, Gunda and Dune....
Over a year and a half after its scheduled March 2020 release, before the world went to pot, the fifth and final instalment in the Craig Bond saga No Time to Die stumbles into cinemas. Tim Ovenden, rampant loather of Bond staples like expensive cars and sickening patriotism, has...
The latest movie from the Marvel universe, Daria Paterek gives her thoughts on Venom: Let There Be Carnage....
Director David Lowery revises 14th century Arthurian poem “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” for a modern context. Dev Patel plays lead character Sir Gawain, who must go on an absurd quest in the name of honour to find the Green Knight (Ralph Ineson) to be beheaded and thus...