A new generation of horror movie has entered the respectable, mainstream imagination. As shown by the success of films such as the satirical Get Out, The Killing of A Sacred Deer and A Quiet Place, the modern horror aims to be not just frightening, but thought-provoking too. Hereditary is...
It is a poorly-kept secret that the juxtaposition of the comic and the tragic elevates both ends of this duality to greater heights than they can achieve within themselves, yet the near-perfection of Jordan Peele’s Get Out still came as a surprise to many who couldn’t comprehend that a...
With the 90th Academy Awards just around the corner, Oscar aficionados will be redrafting their carefully curated list of predictions. Although most categories may look near-locked, changes to the Academy’s voting body in recent years (in order to combat the #OscarsSoWhite controversy) combined with a preferential voting system, means...
This year’s (slightly belated) Oscars are almost upon us! For me, this usually means finding something yellow-goldish to wear, getting my friends to come over, and eat inexcusable amounts of popcorn until four or five in the morning. While all these Oscar rituals that I have going are mad...
The nominations are in, and now throughout Hollywood speeches are being written, falsely gracious losing faces practised, probably even somewhere red carpets dry-cleaned. And yet this year’s ceremony will take place in the light of what can only be described as a truly earth-shattering year for the industry. The...
Warning: Major Spoilers ahead. The highly anticipated movie Get Out has just hit UK cinema screens and is receiving a phenomenal reaction, in fact it has already crossed the coveted $100 million mark at box office. This film is a blend of race-savvy satire and horror that demonises the...
While many are aware of the Gregorian calendar, there is another one that runs parallel to it: the film calendar. Such a schedule means that months like March and September are “in-betweeners”. They don’t quite belong to the artsy-fartsy films of awards season, nor with the somewhat hum drum...