Feyintoluwa Ayanlaja Human existence on Earth has been plagued by one man-made disaster after another. As we speed towards a sixth mass extinction, the climate crisis is no longer imminent: it’s here. For years we have been exhausted with a multitude of climate change agreements with very little promise....
Following the devastating impact wildfires had on Californa last week, with fires having burnt nearly one million acres of land, as well as the battering Louisiana took from Hurricane Laura, many are accrediting these events to global warming caused by human activity. However, are these claims true? And could...
To be able to shoot to prominence, in the public eye, at a young age is not an easy thing to do. Yet Greta Thunberg is now a household name across the world, a fierce campaigner for action against climate change, the 17-year old has amassed a huge following. She was...
Alice reports on the recent climate crisis panel hosted by Nottingham Labour Students and the Environmental and Social Justice Network....
Scientists have confirmed that the 2010-2019 period has seen the highest average temperatures in history, making it the warmest decade on record. Such “exceptional” global heat around the world has been driven by greenhouse gas emissions, the WMO (World Meteorological Organisation) has stated. Scientists have described how greenhouse gas...
According to a study published by the University of Oxford, the production of food accounts for a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions and plays a bigger part in global warming than the transport industry. While many of us have cut down on our use of plastics within supermarkets, whether...
It is certainly true that alternative diets, or some would argue lifestyles, have experienced a huge growth in popularity over the past few years. The Independent reported that in April 2018 that the number of those identifying as vegans sky rocketed from around 540,000 in 2016 to 3.5 million...