• Can Anime still be as gripping without Ghibli?

    With Studio Ghibli being on an indefinite hiatus, it’s re-assuring to know the studio’s animators are still in work and producing some of the most beautiful animation films around; a category which ‘Your Name’ certainly falls into. Currently being the fourth highest-grossing film in Japan of all time and...
  • The Walking Dead Season 7: A reanimated success or a shambling mess?

    Warning: major spoilers ahead! We’re halfway through Season 7 of AMC’s The Walking Dead and already we’ve been gifted with one of the best small-screen villains in living memory, a baseball bat you’d be hard-struck to forget, a goddamn tiger and some of the most emotional deaths the show has...
  • Doctor Who Christmas Special: The Return of Doctor Mysterio

    It’s been a long wait for Doctor Who fans this year. This Christmas special marks the first episode released since the last Christmas special, since there was no full series in 2016. But with such a wait, was it worth it? (SPOILERS AHEAD) The last time was saw the...
  • What’s on the box this Christmas

    For those of you who can’t be bothered to buy a Radio Times but don’t want to miss out on the best films and TV shows on the small screen this Christmas, Impact has got you covered! Here’s our pick of the best on the box… CHRISTMAS EVE TV We’re...
  • From Film to TV: Why are Film Directors Flocking to the Small Screen?

    There’s no disputing the fact that television is going through a Golden Age. Shows like Breaking Bad, The West Wing, Game of Thrones and countless others have led to a steady rise in the quality of television. Now, Hollywood is at a point where TV may even be surpassing...
  • The Force Awakens: A Year On

    Ah, Star Wars is great, isn’t it? A New Hope (sorry purists, THAT’S what I’m calling it), The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi – classic films, one and all. The prequels were a bit shit though, weren’t they? Because who wants original storylines, new characters and a...
  • Gilmore Girls: A year in the life

    Oy with the poodles already! The ‘Gilmore Girls’ are back and better than ever! To its many fans, myself included, the cult-hit TV show Gilmore Girls is a very precious thing. The abrupt ending of the final season in 2007 (due to cancellation) left audiences with a lot of...